Internal Post Box

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Mentioning other posts inside any post works great for building SEO and increasing time on site. In general, bloggers mention posts simply by linking the words with other internal post on their website, clicking the link opens it on a new page. In this tutorial we will show you how to mention any post using a modal link so that as soon your visitor clicks it, the whole post opens up in a closeable modal box without any page reload.

Using modal box for displaying posts has both advantages and disadvantages like modal box looks very beautiful, saves time of your visitor but if you are using Google Adsense then it might decrease your income as these boxes doesn’t shows up any ads. The feature is good if you are a hobby bloggers and you don’t show ads on your website.

How Modal Permalinks Works In WordPress?

Clicking a modal permalink:

Displays this modal window:


How To Use Modal Permalinks In WordPress?

Cisco anyconnect 4.6 download windows 10 free version. Modal Permalinks is the new WordPress plugin that uses simple shortcode for embedding links which opens-up any post or page in beautiful modal window. Install and activate it then visit Dashboard -> Settings -> Modal Permalinks and set modal window width in px.

Plugin settings page: Fileward.

Shortcode usage:

Internal Post Boxes

Internal Post Box

Now use the shortcode [modalPermalinks link='PERMALINK']LINK[/modalPermalinks] inside your posts or post types replacing LINK with custom text and PERMALINK with the post URL you like using for the modal box.


Internal Door Post Box

Further Reading:

Interior Post Office

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